Launch your data

mviewer is a cartographic application initiated and developed by the Brittany Region, under the name Kartenn (map in Breton). The source code of this application is freely reusable since 2014. Many communities but also companies, the research and education sector use this application freely and participate in its evolution.

Discover mviewer !

A map viewer for all users

Several viewing modes

Cartography - Key figures - Datavisualization - Editorial content (Photographs, texts, videos, etc)

Easy to use and intuitive interface

Give a maximum of autonomy to your specialist or general public users

Consuming data

Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) - National data providers - Open Data platforms

Interoperable through standards and APIs

OGC - Geoserver - DataBase - GeoNetwork

Built on open source technologies

Libraries Javascript (OpenLayers 5, Chart.js - Proj4) Bootstrap Framework

a user-centric viewer

Quick and easy installation Advanced setting Customizable interface Declinable in business applications

Studio, the application generator

mviewer studio makes it easy to deploy applications for non-specialists. No more need to know the development languages, create, configure and customize your mapping application easily.


Why mviewer ?

Simple, fast, modular, ergonomic

Extend the target audience of your users: you can enrich your applications with geographic data, graphics and editorial content to distribute them on your institutional sites and on all media.


Community, free

Developed by a community of developers and users, you too can contribute to new developments. ! On github, Matrix's room, during mviewer meetings…

Get started


HarmoNIA adrion interreg

HarmoNIA adrion interreg

GeoPortal on vulnerability of coastal areas - under development



Life in region



Business in region

Mediterranean Institute of Oceanology

Mediterranean Institute of Oceanology

SHAREMED project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund



Erzeugungsanlagen für erneuerbare Energie am Oberrhein

Région Bretagne

Région Bretagne

Kartenn Territories


Košice region

Medical facilities in the Košice region